Which Product For You

Product Selection Guides

1)Health Issue/Symptom Mapped to Our Product Options , and

2) Structure/Function Claims Mapped to Our Product )options

In the left column, identify which health issues/symptoms or structure-function claim you would like to address. Opposite each item, there is an "" for each of our products that best address it. Using any combination of RCR products at the same time is completely safe; just stay within our dosage recommendations for each product


Product Selection Guide 1: Health Issue/Symptom Mapped to RCR Product Options*

health issue/ symptom "Daily Peak Performance" "Digestion" "Acidic Foods"
Hormone Concerns
Cardiovascular weakness
Weight gain/loss
Bladder and/or kidney concerns
Immune deficiency
Free radical damage
Low energy/lethargy
Yeast/fungal overgrowth
Indigestion/stomach discomfort
Dilated pupils
Early morning fatigue
Rapid heartbeat
Decline in bone density
Restless legs
Shortness of breath
Strong appetite
High blood pressure
Warm, dry hands and feet
The more symptoms, or the more serious any given symptom, the more you should be taking "Daily Peak Performance" to help maintain an ideal slight alkalinity throughout your body. The more symptoms, or the more serious any given symptom, the more you should be taking "Digestion" either as a preventative before meals or to "put out the fire" as soon as symptoms surface.
The more symptoms, or the more serious any given symptom, the more you should be using "Acidic Foods" to immediately alkalize foods or beverages before you consume them.


Product Selection Guide 2: Structure-Function Claims Mapped to RCR Product Options*
(click here for documentation of claims)
Structure-Function Claim "Daily Peak Performance" "Digestion" "Acidic Foods"
1. AlkaPlex granules are safe when used as directed.
2. AlkaPlex granules raise the pH levels (or the converse, reduces the acidity levels) of body fluids, including urine, blood and the stomach.
3. AlkaPlex granules help the body maintain a healthy acid-base balance.
4. AlkaPlex granules moderate the effects of age-induced metabolic acidosis.
5. AlkaPlex granules moderate the effects of stress-induced metabolic acidosis
6. AlkaPlex granules aids the body in the removal of acidic waste from cells.
7. AlkaPlex supports healthy liver and kidney function.
8. AlkaPlex granules are significantly more effective than sodium bicarbonate in alkalization.
9. Physiological aging of the lungs pushes the acid-base balance in the body toward acid which is moderated by AlkaPlex granules.
10. AlkaPlex granules improve enzyme activity which is very sensitive to tissue acidity conditions.
11. AlkaPlex granules help the body maintain optimal acid-base balance longer than and without the negative side effects of sodium bicarbonate.
12. AlkaPlex granules alkalize the acids generated internally by high-protein diet (called “diet-induced metabolic acidosis”).
13. AlkaPlex granules neutralize the acids generated internally by sustained physical activity (called “exercise-induced metabolic acidosis”).
14. AlkaPlex granules promote faster recovery from vigorous workouts.
15. AlkaPlex granules improves performance during workouts.
16. AlkaPlex granules decrease the amount of muscle damage and soreness created by vigorous exercise due to the build-up of acids in the muscle.
17. AlkaPlex granules induce greater muscle alkalinity and supports muscle and athletic endurance (or “time to fatigue”).
18. Exercise-induced metabolic acidosis causes fatigue which is mediated by AlkaPlex.
19. AlkaPlex granules aid the body in the removal of acidic waste from cells.
20. AlkaPlex granules help the body maintain a healthy acid-base balance.
21. The body is better able to utilize electrolytes in an alkali state induced byAlkaPlex.
22. Certain prescription drugs and trauma push the body’s acid-base balance toward drug-induced acidosis which can be mediated by AlkaPlex based products.
23. AlkaPlex granules reduce acid concentrations in tissue and body fluids with the result that intra-cellular nutrient transportation may be improved.
24. AlkaPlex granules reduce the formation of crystals and stones in the urinary tract.
25. AlkaPlex granules release alkalizing minerals slowly so they are available for transport across tissue without overwhelming the transport mechanism.
26. AlkaPlex granules stay in the system longer for longer-lasting absorption than sodium bicarbonate.
27. The absorbed alkaline materials of AlkaPlex mediate the acid- producing phase of the localized inflammatory response to injury.

28. The absorbed alkaline materials of AlkaPlex granules can moderate the cycle of chronic inflammation induced by over acidity of tissue.

29. AlkaPlex granules attenuate the activation of sensory neurons associated with the acid-producing phase of the inflammatory response.
Qualified Health Claims Under U.S. Regulations
Qualified Health Claim: #1
One serving (about 1,000mg of AlkaPlex ) may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Qualified Health Claim: #2
One serving (about 1,000mg of AlkaPlex) may reduce the risk of hypertension.


 *Results may vary from person-to-person.



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