RCR Announcements/News
Separate the Timing of Taking AlkaPlex and Tetracyclines
Posted by Barbara Hall on
Research has shown that the pharmaceutical drug class of ‘tetracyclines’ will not be as effective if taken to close in time to the ingestion of AlkaPlex. AlkaPlex blocks the absorption of ‘tetracyclines’ if taken too close together. It is recommended that AlkaPlex be taken either two (2) hours before or two (2) hours after taking a ‘tetracycline’ based drug. If you have cancer and are taking, or considering taking, an AlkaPlex based product, you should consult your physician of pharmacist to be sure you are not taking a ‘tetracycline” based product. And to be clear, RCR makes no curative claims concerning AlkaPlex...
The AlkaPlex Story - Why Is It Needed, and How Does It Work to Reduce Over-Acidity?
Posted by Terry Roberts on
Why is AlkaPlex needed? We are probably at optimum overall health at approximately 18 – 22 years of age. Due to our diet in terms of the quality of food we eat, the choices of food we eat, our lack of proper exercise and just the aging process itself, we begin to develop a condition of being overly acidic. In medical terms this condition is labeled ‘metabolic acidosis’. In simple terms, we develop and retain more acid in our body than what we can buffer(neutralize) and eliminate from our system. Normally our body has some built in systems to do...
Are RCR's Products FDA-Approved?
Posted by Terry Roberts on
Yes, our products are FDA approved. The FDA considers our AlkaPlex® essential mineral compound so safe that it awarded it with two very hard-to-earn, coveted certifications: New Dietary Ingredient (NDI), and Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS). Less than 1000 of the 65,000 dietary supplements on the market have the distinguished status of being certified as having an NDI certification from the FDA. In order to get NDI certification you need to prove to the FDA that your product is safe, at the recommended dosage levels, and is uniformly and consistently made. RCR's certification number is 911.
Save 15% On Every One of Our Products with Every Order
Posted by Terry Roberts on
An autoship program allows you to place an order for one or more products one time, then put it on autopilot from there so that those products are automatically billed to your credit card and shipped to at whatever interval you choosel You can elect to cancel or adjust the autoship at any time. RCR's autoship program, which is available for each of our products except complementary samples, rewards you with a 15% discount on every product with every order. Feedback from customers has educated us that there are numerous reasons why people hesitate to opt-into autoship. In short, their needs...
Posted by Terry Roberts on
Dear friends, Root Cause Response is delighted to announce that our referral program is now available. How the Referral Program Works from Customers’ Perspective This is not just a typical referral program. When prospects click on our referrors’ unique links provided by RCR after sign-up, the prospects are taken directly to a page where they are provided with a coupon code good for 15% off on their first purchase. And if they elect our autoship option for any products, they will continue to get 15% off of those products with every order. It’s worth emphasizing that your referrals have to do nothing more than click on...